If you want to get your nose pierced or a cool tattoo for your birthday or whatever occasion, believe it or not, a minor can get a tattoo or piercing in the state of Florida, whether you live in Florida or not.

If you're a teenager or the parent of teenager who's wanting to get this done in Florida, then here's what you need to do.
Florida Tattoo Requirments for Minor:
Must be 16 years of age or older
Must be accompanied by the Parent/Legal Guardian
Minor and Parent must provide valid government-issued identification
Written notarized consent from the parent/legal guardian in the format required by the Florida Health Department
Parent/Legal guardian must have proof of relationship
Reference Florida Minor Tattoo Statutes for further information on minor tattoos.

Image: Arm tattoo
Florida Piercing Requirments for Minor:
Must be accompanied by the Parent/Legal Guardian, if under the age of 16 years old
Parent/Legal Guardian must provide valid government-issued identification
Must provide a description of piercing
Written notarized consent from the parent/legal guardian
Reference Florida Minor Piercing Statutes

Image: Naval piercing
The notarized consent letter is a sworn statement from the parent or legal guardian with their name, address, childs name, date of birth, description of tattoo/piercing, parent/legal guardians signature, and the notaries required elements.
You can get this form notarized prior to arriving at the tattoo/piercing shop, by online notary, or you can hire a mobile notary to meet you at the shop to notarize this form on-site.
New piercings and tattoos can be exciting for teens as they near adulthood but it is pertinent to make sure they're done the legal way.
Written By:
Brittney T. Palmer
Florida Notary Public